Thursday, 29 August 2013

Make Editable Join in Siebel/When do we go for Dynamic PickList and Pick Applet?

We go for Dynamic Picklists When we want to update joins( as normally joins are not editable). We go for a pick applet when we choose a dynamic picklist. Pickapplets help you hit the whole list applet of the Bc whose field is joined to the parent. Where as in static picklist you can only choose from predefined values but cant update with any other values.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Unique Record Property / Prevent Creation of Duplicate Records in Siebel

Some time you need to prevent creation of  duplicates records  for Example on Contact Business Component  you have 1 record with FirstName-Pratibha  and you want if anybody create or insert record having same FirstName-Pratibha then its give error "You cannot add same name to more than 1 time"  for this type of requirement we need to use "BCHasRows" property , Please follow the following steps to implement this property:-

1.Create a calculated field on “Contact” BC:
a. Name = Duplicate Firstname Calc
b. Calculated = True
c. Calculated Value =
BCHasRows("Contact", "Contact", "[First Name] = '"+[First Name]+"'"+"AND [Row Id] <> '"+[Row Id]+"'" , "All")

2. Put the validation on “FirstName" field :
a. Validation =
[Duplicate Firstname Calc] = 'N'
b. Validation Message – String Override =
"You cannot add same name to more than 1 time"

3- Compile Contact Business Component and test it.